Essa forma de preparar o chá foi levada ao Japão no século XII por monges Zen ao regressarem de viagens de estudos da China. Nos templos, matcha era utilizado como um estimulante suave para a mente durante a meditação, tinha valor medicinal e uso cerimonial simbólico. Naquele tempo, a classe nobre e os governantes o apreciavam com a função de dar sentido à exibição de objetos de arte chinesa.
A partir desses dois usos é que se originou a ideia dos encontros de chá como meio de elevação espiritual e apreciação estética. Isso fez com que fossem criadas salas especiais para esses encontros. O surgimento desse conceito estético único, de inspiração Zen, foi importante para o desenvolvimento da apreciação da sutil e austera beleza que podem ser descobertas em coisas aparentemente simples e despretensiosas.
No século XVI, Sen Rikyu (1522-1591), um homem com grande criatividade e liderança no cenário político e cultural do seu tempo, sintetizou a essência dessas idéias em sua austera "cabana" no estilo do chá. Sua sensibilidade artística e ideais embasados no Zen transformaram efetivamente o ato de preparar, servir e beber o chá numa disciplina completa, estabelecendo os fundamentos do Chado, o Caminho do Chá.
Os ideais do Chado de Sen Rikyu estão expressos nestas palavras: wa, kei, sei e jaku.
- Wa significa harmonia, que deve existir nas relações humanas, entre o homem e a natureza, na seleção dos utensílios do chá, na maneira como são utilizados e em todas as outras facetas do Chado.
- Kei significa respeito, que é dado para todas as coisas e que provém de sentimentos sinceros de gratidão pela existência delas.
- Sei significa pureza e implica em limpeza espiritual e material
- Jaku significa tranquilidade, um estado espiritual de paz.
Com base nisso, as pessoas que estudam a disciplina do Cerimonia do Cha aprendem a cuidar de cada aspecto envolvido: da ambientação, da seleção dos objetos empregados na cerimonia, da prática da etiqueta, da comida e até da água utilizada. Através do treinamento e do estudo, manifestam o desejo de refinarem e cultivarem a si mesmos enquanto seres humanos.
Após a morte de Sen Rikyu, seus ensinamentos foram transmitidos aos seus descendentes e discípulos. Sen Shoan (1546-1614), genro de Sen Rikyu foi reconhecido como seu sucessor. O filho dele e neto de Rikkyu Sen Sotan (1576-1658) sucedeu seu pai e tornou-se a 3a geracao. Sotan teve quatro filhos. Os 2 mais velhos morreram ainda criancas. Quando seu filho cacula Sen Soshitsu (1622-1677) atingiu os vinte anos, Sotan retirou-se para o fundo da propriedade criando a escola Urasenke e Sen Sosa (1619-1673) ficou com a frente da propriedade fundando a escola Omotesenke. Depois um dos filhos mais velhos Soshu (1593-1675), retornou à propriedade localizada na rua Mushanokoji para fazer a 3a das 3 escolas de tradicao chamada Mushanokojisenke. Essas escolas continuam em atividade até hoje em Kyoto.
Sotan construiu nos fundos da propriedade a sala de 8 tatamis, a sala de 4 tatamis e meio e a sala de 1 tatami e 3/4 e sao os padroes para todas as salas de cha do mundo.
Num tranquilo e velho bairro de Kyoto, capital cultural do japão a escola Urasenke da família Sen existe já há quatro séculos. As mais antigas salas de chá foram originalmente construídas pela terceira geração da família, Sen Sotan, neto do Rikyu. Esse complexo de salas de chá e jardins foi tombado como Patrimônio Cultural Importante pelo governo japonês em razão de sua relevância cultural na história e na arte japonesas. É onde o espiríto de Sen Rikyu permanece, é a casa da Urasenke e o coração do Chado para milhões de pessoas que estudam e praticam como ensinado pela Urasenke ao redor do mundo.
Desde a época do Rikyu, seus descendentes continuaram levando esse legado para as novas gerações. Cada herdeiro também acrescentou algo, sucessivamente de tal maneira que a Cerimonia do Cha permanece viva e com sentido nos tempos atuais, oferecendo um eficiente caminho para enriquecimento cultural e autodesenvolvimento, e uma fórmula atemporal para compartilhar um bonito momento graças ao chá.
5 Jōsō Sōshitsu (1673-1704) 常叟
宗室 Fukyūsai 不休斎
6 Taisō Sōshitsu (1694-1726) 泰叟
宗室 Rikkansai 六閑斎
7 Chikusō Sōshitsu (1709-33) 竺叟
宗室 Saisaisai 最々斎
8 Ittō Sōshitsu (1719-71) 一燈
宗室 Yūgensai 又玄斎
9 Sekiō Sōshitsu (1746-1801) 石翁
宗室 Fukensai 不見斎
10 Hakusō Sōshitsu (1770-1826) 柏叟 宗室
Nintokusai 認得斎
11 Seichū Sōshitsu (1810-77) 精中
宗室 Gengensai 玄々斎
12 Jikishō Sōshitsu (1852-1917) 直叟 宗室
Yūmyōsai 又玅斎
13 Tetchū Sōshitsu
(1872-1924) 鉄中 宗室 Ennōsai 圓能斎
14 Sekisō Sōshitsu
(1893-1964) 碩叟 宗室 Tantansai (AKA: Mugensai) 淡々斎 (無限斎)
15 Hansō Sōshitsu
(Sen Genshitsu) (b. April 19, 1923) 汎叟
宗室 Hōunsai 鵬雲斎 A paz na tigela de cha
16 (Atual) Genmoku Sōshitsu (b. June 7, 1956) 玄黙 宗室
Zabōsai 坐忘斎
1426 Korea opens ports to Japanese trade and residence.
1581 d, townsman Murata Shukou aka Jukou (1432-1502) of Nara, the early developer of wabi-style chanoyu. 'Til his era, artistic living is monopolized by Chinese art objects, but now relatively unsophisticated Japanese crafts gain appreciation. Commercial centers Kyoto, Nara, Sakai develop; affluent townsmen enjoy cultural hobbies such as noh and chanoyu. Sakai especially flourishes as trade port.
1582 About this year, Rikyu becomes Nobunaga's chief of chanoyu affairs (sado/chato). Tennojiya Kaiki and such records reveal that Rikyu starts using Japanese temmoku tea bowls, as opposed to karamono temmoku, from around this year. The painter Kano Eitoku paints his famous Rakuchu-Rakugai folding screens depicting "inner Kyoto" and "outer Kyoto."
1602 Higashi Honganji temple founded, as result of succession dispute which split Honganji religious organization into two rival branches. (Burned down in 1788, 1823, 1858, and 1864.) Completion of Nijo Castle in Kyoto by Tokugawa leyasu. Furuta Oribe, counted as the 7th of Rikyu's top seven disciples, rises as top chanoyu expert among warriors.
1927 d. Ohi VIII (Chozaemon; 77).
1994 With Hounsai (Urasenke XV) as leader, the three Sen families hold Rikyu 400th Memorial service and commemorative chakai at Daitokuji. Commemorative Sen Rikyu exhibition at Kyoto National Museum. Tianjin University of Commerce Urasenke Junior College of the Way of Tea founded (China).
Overview of Japanese History Focusing on Chanoyu Developments
This document has been reproduced with the permission of the original author, who wishes to stay anonymous. It has been scanned from a printed copy, in this process formatting and kanji was lost. Additionally, some mistakes of the number "5" becoming a "s", or "u" becoming "0" might have occurred.
Kamakura shogunate - Japan's first military government, established ca
1192 by Minamoto Yoritomo and based in Kamakura - overthrown by Emperor
(-1336), the attempt by the emperor to restore direct imperial rule. Fifteen years previously, Rinzai Zen priest Soho Myocho (Daito Kokushi) builds small temple in Kyoto, which eventually develops into the complex Daitokuji.
(-1336), the attempt by the emperor to restore direct imperial rule. Fifteen years previously, Rinzai Zen priest Soho Myocho (Daito Kokushi) builds small temple in Kyoto, which eventually develops into the complex Daitokuji.
Ashikaga Takauji overthrows Emperor Go-Daigo's restoration government
and establishes Muromachi shogunate, based in Kyoto. Beginning of
struggle between Northern and Southern courts (Namboku-cho, lasting
until 1392), during which aristocracy in Kyoto looses political and
economic power to the provincial military class. Takauji promulgates
Kemmu Code for guidance of the ruling class. It orders curbing of the
extravagant and disorderly verse-linking (renga) and tea gambling
(cocha) parties popular among warriors and monks. Monk Muso Soseki
begins building garden at Saihoji (Kokedera; the Moss Temple); completed
1340. 1338-42, he builds garden at Tenryuji temple.
3rd Muromachi shogun, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu (1358-1408), establishes
trade relations with Ming. 1397-1407, builds elegant Kitayama-dono
(Kitayama Palace; later Rokuonji, popularly called Kinkakuji [Temple of
the Golden Pavilion]) at foot of Kitayama Mountains, Kyoto, where art
and culture flourish.
1426 Korea opens ports to Japanese trade and residence.
Ashikaga Yoshinori (1394-1441) becomes 6th Muromachi shogun. At his
palace, first secular use of daisu (type of portable shelf) for
displaying tea utensils and making tea. Ashikaga Gakko (in present
Tochigi Pref.) educational facility formally established; the students
are mainly monks; curriculum focuses on Confucian learning and military
Ashikaga Yoshimasa (1436-90) at age 13 becomes 8th Muromachi shogun.
Devotes his time mostly to the arts. Natural calamities throughout Japan
around this period cause constant famine and disease.
Earliest record of "a master of rikka (standing flowers)," Ikenobo
Senkei of Kyoto, indicating that flowers were no longer only altar
offerings but had become an art form.
Outbreak of Onin War (1467-77), which devastates the capital (Kyoto)
and ushers in the century-long Warring States (Sengoku) period that
finally ends when, in 1568, Oda Nobunaga enters Kyoto to assert national
hegemony. Through this period, artistic talents move away from Kyoto
and the Zen monasteries.
d. painter Noami (1397-1471), among the Ashikaga shogun's doboshu
(cultural attendants), who served as curator of karamono (Chinese) art
objects in the shogun's collection. Noami's son Geiami (1431-85) and
then grandson Soami (ca 1455-1525) succeed to his duties. They write the
Kundaikan Sauchoki record of
art objects and rules for decorating shoin reception rooms, which
thereafter provides the essential guidelines for format room decorating.
1483 Ashikaga Yoshimasa
(abdicated 1474) retires to his new villa (later Jishoji, popularly
called Ginkakuji [Temple of the Silver Pavilion]) at foot of
Higashiyama Mountains, Kyoto, which becomes center for arts. the
Togudo structure here contains the 4.5 mat shoin style room named
Dojinsai Ip7TJ A~, considered the earliest extant tearoom.
1581 d, townsman Murata Shukou aka Jukou (1432-1502) of Nara, the early developer of wabi-style chanoyu. 'Til his era, artistic living is monopolized by Chinese art objects, but now relatively unsophisticated Japanese crafts gain appreciation. Commercial centers Kyoto, Nara, Sakai develop; affluent townsmen enjoy cultural hobbies such as noh and chanoyu. Sakai especially flourishes as trade port.
1522 b. Sen Rikyu (original name, Tanaka Yoshiro), in Sakai. 1532
Wealthy Sakai merchant and chanoyu practitioner Takeno Shingoro
(1502-55) takes tonsure, setting precedent for Zen (particularly Rinzai
sect) training by chanoyu practitioners and consequent connection to
Daitokuji temple, Kyoto. Adopts name Joo, to be known as Takeno Joo, and
becomes leading figure in "mountain hermitage in the city" 4.5-mat soon
(thatched hut) chanoyu practice.
3.20 First entry in Matsuya Kaiki tea-gathering record kept by the
Matsuya family of lacquer artisans of Nara, marking start of the
important historical chakaiki (tea-gathering records). Around this era,
castle towns of provincial lords develop as "little Kyotos."
1540 Rikyu (age 19) begins learning chanoyu from Takeno Joo.
12.06 First entry in Tennojiya Kaiki chakai record of Tsuda family,
proprietors of the wealthy Tennojiya mercantile house of Sakai.
1543 Portuguese ship stranded on Tanegashima island, southern Kyushu. At this time, first musket introduced to Japan.
b. Rikyia's son Man and stepson Shoan. Shoan marries Rikyu's daughter
Okame around 1576, and his mother, Soon, becomes Rikyu's second wife
around 1577.
Jesuit missionary Francisco Xavier (1506-52) comes to Kagoshima,
Kyushu, and introduces Christianity (stays in Japan until 1551). (By
1598, Japanese Christian population estimated at about 300,000.) The
next approx. 100 years known as Japan's "Christian Century."
Earliest reference work on tea utensils, the Chagu Bitoshu ~~, AR rNI
afA, consisting of a categorized tea utensil list, completed (identity
of author unclear). Before long, many handwritten copies circulated.
1555 Rikyu (34) invites teacher Takeno Joo,
Sakai merchant and chanoyu figure Imai Sokyu (husband of Joo's
daughter), and others for morning tea. Uses a Korai (Korean) teabowl.
d. Joo about 7 mos. later (age 54).
Ogimachi succeeds as 106th sovereign (r -1586.11.7), but empire so poor
he waits several years for enthronement ceremony. It is funded by the
powerful military leader, Mori Motonari.
d. Nishimura Sozen, who made clay braziers in Nara and was the first in
the (Eiraku) Zengoro line of potters that became one of the Senke
Jusshoku craft families.
Bunrui Sojinboku ~`VMA* 3-vol. work about chanoyu history, tea
plantations, utensils, and manners completed (ed. Shunshosai Shinkei).
1566 First known instance of Rikyu using a Natsume
(c.f. Tennojiya Kaiki). Tsuda Sogyu's record of 1569.11.23 reports of
Rikyu using one in a pouch. Jukoin (the family temple of the descendants
of Rikyu) built in Daitokuji compound as memorial temple for warrior
Miyoshi Chokei (d. 1564).
Oda Nobunaga (1534-82) enters Kyoto and installs Ashikaga Yoshiaki as
puppet shogun. Demands "arrow money" (yasen; military funding) from the
great merchant city and firearms manufacturing center Sakai. 1569, he
gains control over Sakai. Utilizes chanoyu for political leverage,
conducts "meibutsu hunting" (meibutsu-gari) in Sakai and Kyoto, and has
influential Sakai merchants head certain tea functions of his.
1571 Oda Nobunaga burns down the powerful Enryakuji temple on Mt. Hiei and massacres all the bonzes, who for generations had kept an army and terrorized Kyoto and surrounds.
The 15th and last Ashikaga shogun, Yoshiaki, deposed by Nobunaga,
marking final fall of Muromachi shogunate.
1582 About this year, Rikyu becomes Nobunaga's chief of chanoyu affairs (sado/chato). Tennojiya Kaiki and such records reveal that Rikyu starts using Japanese temmoku tea bowls, as opposed to karamono temmoku, from around this year. The painter Kano Eitoku paints his famous Rakuchu-Rakugai folding screens depicting "inner Kyoto" and "outer Kyoto."
Nobunaga builds his grand Azuchi Castle (in present Shiga Prefecture).
Jesuit missionary Organtino builds cathedral there. (Castle destroyed
shortly after Nobunaga's death.)
b. daimyo-chajin Kobori Enshu, who serves as construction minister
under the first three Tokugawa shoguns and promotes elegant tea
aesthetic referred to as "kirei-sabi" (pretty rusticity).
1581 Toyotomi Hideyoshi has chakai at Himeji Castle, using arare-gama (kettle with hailstone texture) presented from Rikyu.
6.2 d. Oda Nobunaga (49) at Honnoji attack by Akechi Mitsuhide. Many of
Nobunaga's meibutsu art works and tea utensils lost in the blaze.
Within days, Hideyoshi slays Mitsuhide (Battle of Yamazaki). He builds
Soken'in temple dedicated to Nobunaga in Daitokuji compound, and
sponsors grand funeral there. (Vassals under Hideyoshi subsequently
erect temples in Daitokuji compound, too.) Taian tea house of Rikyu's design built around this year at Myokian temple in Yamazaki, southern Kyoto prefecture.
Hideyoshi builds Osaka Castle as his residence on site of fortress-like
Ishiyama Honganji temple that Nobunaga conquered in 1580. (Osaka
consequently develops as a major metropolis and business center). Chanoyu
experts such as Rikyu and Tsuda Sogyu have boarding place at this most
impressive castle. 7.2 Rikyu and Sogyu are in charge of first afternoon
chakai by Hideyoshi at the castle. 7.7 Rikyu participates in 7 rounds of mawaribana ("flowers arranged by turn") at Hideyoshi's Tanabata Chakai
at the castle. 1584.1.3 Hideyoshi has tea gathering to open Yamazato
("mountain hamlet") area featuring rustic tea house at the castle.
Hideyoshi is appointed chief adviser to the throne (Kampaku). Rikyu
becomes reputed as Hideyoshi's closest confidant. 10.7, Hideyoshi makes
tea for Emperor Ogimachi etc. at Imperial Palace, Kyoto; aide Rikyu
makes tea using daisu for other imperial members. For this role, Rikyu
was imperially bestowed the priestly name and title Rikyu Koji some
weeks earlier. Portuguese Jesuit Joao Rodriguez (1559-1663), who
eventually is chosen by Hideyoshi and Ieyasu as interpreter for all
business transacted with Portuguese, arrives in Japan.
1.16 Rikyu heads Hideyoshi's "golden chakai" for Emperor Ogimachi etc.
at Imperial Palace, Kyoto, where Hideyoshi's portable gold tearoom from
Osaka Castle is used. 10th month, record of a "Soeki-form tea bowl"
(Soeki-goto chawan) and "contemporary tea bowl" (ima-yaki chawan),
indicating that Rikyu is having tea bowls ordermade to his taste.
Hideyoshi's Jurakudai ("palace of assembled pleasures") mansion in
Kyoto completed. (Hideyoshi tears it down in 1595.) Rikyu has quarters
there, and builds a 1.5-mat tearoom in it. 10.1 Hideyoshi holds Grand Tea Gathering
at Kitano (Kyoto), where over 1,500 make-shift tea houses are erected
by chanoyu aficionados. Around this year, Sen Sotan (10) enters
Daitokuji (spends about 7 years there).
Rikyu arranges for his and wife Soon's cemetery at Jukoin temple in
Daitokuji compound. Sponsors repairs and additions to Daitokuji main
gate. Statue of him placed in gate stirs criticism. d. potter Raku Chojiro, founder of the Raku family of potters and pottery technique.
Hideyoshi achieves control over Japan; turns attention to Korea. T.
okugawa Ieyasu enters Edo Castle. d. chajin Yamanoue Soji (47), author
of Yamanoue Soji ki tU-_;uWE 8.17, first entry in Rikyu Hyakkai-ki
(Record of One Hundred Chakai by Rikyu). 9.10 Rikyu has two guests for
tea at his Jurakudai residence. Tells them "the lord dislikes tea made
in black tea bowls," but nonetheless uses a black tea bowl.
1591 2.4 Rikyu takes his treasured Hashidate leaf-tea jar (Chatsubo)
to Jukoin for safe-keeping. 2.13 Hideyoshi orders Rikyu under house
arrest in Sakai. 2.26 Rikyu is called back to his Jurakudai residence.
2.28 d. Sen Rikyu (70) by
ritual suicide as commanded by Hideyoshi. Some weeks later, d. chajin
Tsuda Sogyu, another central figure in the tea world. Sen family members
go into hiding. Nishi Honganji temple established at its present site
in Kyoto, thanks to land grant from Hideyoshi.
Hideyoshi, who had grandiose plan to conquer East Asia, launches first
of two invasions of Korea (1592, 1597), both of which fail. The vast
numbers of Korean artisans taken captive make a lasting contribution to
Japanese arts, especially ceramics and, to a lesser degree, printing.
d. merchant and chajin Imai Sokyu of Sakai (74), who, with Tsuda Sogyu
and Sen Rikyu, was one of the top three tea experts of his time. b. 2nd
son of Sen Sotan, who eventually founds Mushakojisenke.
Construction of Fushimi Castle at Momoyama in southern Kyoto for
Hideyoshi. Hideyoshi pardons Sen Man and Sen Shoan around this year, and
Shoan establishes Sen house at present site of Omotesenke Fushin'an,
d. prominent daimyo Gamo Ujisato of illness (49; wife was Nobunaga's
daughter; became Christian in 1585), who protected Sen Shoan after
Rikyu's death and is counted among Rikyu's top seven disciples (Rikyu
d. hegemon Toyotomi Hideyoshi (63). The following spring, 33 chanoyu
devotees have flower-viewing tea in Nara in secret memory of Rikyu.
1599 Record appears of Furuta Oribe using a "warped" Seto teabowl.
9.15 Battle of Sekigahara, the decisive battle in rise of Tokugawa
Ieyasu (1542-1616) to shogun. d. Rikyu's second wife, Soon, mother of
Shoan. Shoan retires, placing son Sotan (23) in charge of house.
1602 Higashi Honganji temple founded, as result of succession dispute which split Honganji religious organization into two rival branches. (Burned down in 1788, 1823, 1858, and 1864.) Completion of Nijo Castle in Kyoto by Tokugawa leyasu. Furuta Oribe, counted as the 7th of Rikyu's top seven disciples, rises as top chanoyu expert among warriors.
Ieyasu establishes Tokugawa shogunate. Beginning of kabuki (on dry
Kamogawa river bed, Kyoto). d. Tsuji Yojiro (48), kettlesmith who made
works for Rikyu.
b. daimyo-chajin Katagiri Sekishu (1605-73. Mother is granddaughter of
Imai Sogyu), who revives wabi aesthetic in tea practice of warriors.
Daitokuji Ryukoin temple founded by priest Kogetsu Sogan (2nd son of
Tsuda Sogyu and brother of Tsuda Sobon), as family temple for warrior
Kuroda Nagamasa. d. Uji tea producer Kanbayashi Rokuro, Uji tea
plantation overseer for Toyotomi administration. (His younger brothers
founded the various branches of the Kanbayashi tea empire of Uji.)
First of twelve Korean missions to Japan until 1811. This one had 467
attendants and was to congratulate Tokugawa Hidetada on his having
become shogun. Owari Tokugawa house assumes control of Seto, Japan's
great ceramic production center; in 1610, appoints three potters to
hereditary positions of "official" (goyo) potters for making ceramics
required by that house. d. Sen Doan, ending the Sen family of Sakai.
1608 By this year, Sen Sotan (30) has built a 2-mat chashitsu having toko.
1609 Dutch (East India Company) given permission to trade; establish trading house in Hirado (southern Kyushu).
1610 Furuta Oribe goes to Edo and instructs Tokugawa Hidetada in chanoyu.
1612 Prohibition of Christianity. Permission for Chinese from Ming to trade at Nagasaki.
1613 b. 3rd son of Sen Sotan, Koshin Sosa (Omotesenke IV).
Expulsion of chajin-daimyo Takayama Ukon (1553-1615) - counted as one
of Rikyu's seven disciples - and other Christians to Manila and Macao.
9.7 d. Sen Shoan (69).
Tokugawa Ieyasu conquers Osaka Castle; most of it is burned down, and
many meibutsu are lost forever. The last Toyotomi is destroyed. d. by
ritual suicide chajin-daimyo Furuta Oribe (73), who led the chanoyu
world after Rikyu, for betraying Tokugawa at siege of Osaka Castle.
Hon'ami Koetsu (1558-1637) receives land from Tokugawa Ieyasu at
Takagamine, northern Kyoto, where he establishes a Hokke faith
religious/art community. The shogun appoints a special messenger to get
the tea from Uji for the shogunal family. Around this period, growing
discontent among masses of demobilized soldiers being returned to
unpromising careers often as peasants.
1618 Nagasaki and Hirado in Kyushu opened to trade with England.
1620 Annual New Year's teppo hajime (gun ceremony) and ochaji hajime (tea ceremony) initiated at Edo Castle.
d. Oda Uraku (75), younger brother of Oda Nobunaga, who had built tea
house Joan at Kenninji temple, Kyoto, and retired there. He is counted
as one of Rikyu's seven disciples and the founder of the Uraku chado
2nd Tokugawa shogun, Hidetada (1579- 1632), breaks relations with
Spanish. Daughter Kazuko (a.k.a. Tofukumon'in; 1607-78) becomes consort
of Emperor Gomizuno'o, and with large income from shogunate she becomes
generous patroness of the arts and a patroness of Sen Sotan. Other of
Sotan's patrons are Prince Hachijo Tomohito (whose villa became the
Katsura Imperial Detached Villa);
nobleman Konoe Nobuhiro (Ozan; 1599-1649), a leader in retired Emperor
Gomizuno'o's art salon; the nobleman Karasumaru Mitsuhiro (15791638),
especially noted as a paintercalligrapher and incense connoisseur•; and the artist Hon'ami Koetsu. d. chajin Hisada Soei (66; mother was RikyO's younger sister), founder of the Hisada tea family.
Production of Hagi pottery begins, founded by immigrant Korean potter
Koraizaemon (family name Ri, who later changes this to Saka; 1569-1643).
d. chajin Yabunouchi Kenchu Jochi (92), first gen. in the Yabunouchi
chado line that most closely preserves the classical shoin temae
tradition and has been patronized by Nishi Honganji temple. KenchO's tea
mentors were Takeno Joo and, after Joo's death, Rikyu; his wife was
Furuta Oribe's younger sister.
Emperor Gomizuno'o, unhappy with forced marriage and other shogunal
interence in court affairs, abdicates in favor of 5-year-old daughter,
Empress Meisho (r 1629-43), the first reigning empress since 8th c.
Starts building Shugakuin Detached Palace, Kyoto. Teahouse, roji, etc.
at Yamazato "mountain hamlet" in western wing at Edo Castle fixed up for
having chaji. Tokugawa shogunate bans women's kabuki and joruri.
d. wealthy merchant and man of culture, Suminokura Soan (62), who had
created the elegant Saga-bon books with Hon'ami Koetsu. Sen S6tan builds
1.5 mat chashitsu, the original Fushin'an, which years later Koshin
(Omotesenke IV) rebuilds into a 3-3/4 mat room.
Annual chatsubo dochu procession to deliver tea from Uji to shogunal
family in Edo initiated, to impress upon the public the power of that
Dejima island built at Nagasaki and all foreigners forced to live
there. Kobori Enshu finishes building teahouse at Nijo Castle, the
shogun's residence in the capital (Kyoto).
All overseas Japanese shipping and travel prohibited. Tokugawa
shogunate institutionalizes sankin kotai (alternate attendance) system.
d. Raku II, Jokei (75).
1636 Famine throughout Japan.
1637 d. Hon'ami Koetsu (80).
Final isolation edict. Expulsion of Europeans. d. man of letters,
artist, priest and sukisha Shokado Shojo (56), one of the three famous
calligraphers of his time (Kan'ei Sanpitsu).
d. wabi chajin Kubo Gondayia of Nara, whose memoirs, the Choando-ki RM
WE, contain much information on past and contemporary tea masters.
1641 The Hosokawa Chanoyu-no-sho (Book on Hosokawa's Chanoyu) chanoyu temae and procedure manual is written. (published 1668)
1642 Famine throughout Japan. Sotan's 3rd son, Koshin Sosa (39), takes position with Kishu Tokugawa family.
1645 Kobayashi Kinkozan founds Kinkozanware pottery kiln at Awataguchi in Kyoto. d. priest Takuan Soho (73). d. chajin-daimyo Hosokawa Sansai (82). d. samurai Miyamoto Musashi (62).
d. chajin-daimyo Kobori Enshu (69), who served as chado teacher to
Tokugawa lemitsu and founded Enshu chado tradition, characterized by its
"kirei sabi" or "pretty rusticity" aesthetic. Son Masayuki (1602-74)
succeeds as 2nd head of Enshu chado line.
1648 Sen Sotan retires (71); has opening tea at his new tearoom (the Konnichian) built at rear of the estate.
1649 Shogun issues frugality ordinance directed toward farmers (Keian no Ofuregaki; Instructions of the Keian Era).
1651 Sotan's youngest son, Senso
Soshitsu (29), takes position with immensely wealthy Kaga domain lord,
Maeda Toshitsuna; thereafter, has residence in Kanazawa but periodically
returns to Kyoto. d. 3rd Tokugawa shogun, lemitsu (48).
1652 Tokugawa shogunate prohibits youths' kabuki performances.
One of Sen Sotan's chief followers, Yamada Sohen (1627-1708), through
Sotan's recommendation becomes head of tea affairs for Lord Ogasawara of
Mikawa Yoshida Castle.
Emperor Gomizuno'o's 7th son, younger brother of Emperor Gokomyo
(1633-64), is enthroned as 111th sovereign. His chanoyu teacher,
Kanamori Sowa (1584-1656), who promoted genteel chado, dies this same
year. d. Raku Nonko (58).
Great fire in Edo. d. lacquer artisan Hirai Ikkan (80), immigrant from
Ming China and originator of Ikkan-bari technique that Sen Sotan highly
Okumura Kichiemon (1618-1700) moves from Omi to Kyoto and succeeds to
mother's family's profession of scroll mounting, becoming Kichibe'e I.
From his son's gen., the family becomes one of the Senke Jusshoku. d.
Sen Sotan (81).
1659 Shugakuin Imperial Detached Palace is bui lt.
Rise of Mito school of historians led by Tokugawa Mitsukuni to promote
National Learning and Shinto studies. 1661 Ordinance prohibiting night
time tea shops and
restaurants. Daimyo-chajin Katagiri Sekishu (1695-73; chado disciple of
daimyo Kuwayama Sosen who learned Rikyu's style of tea from Sen Man),
who promotes wabi-cha chanoyu style and spirit and founds the Sekishu
iemoto system,' writes his paper on the spirit of wabi-cha (wabi no
1663 d. founder of Onishi kettlesmith line, Jorin (74). d. lacquer artisan Koma Kyui.
Katagiri Sekishu called by Shogun Tokugawa letsuna to become his chado
instructor. He offers up his "Sekishu 300 kajo" (Sekishu's 300
Pointers), which are adopted at shogunal quarters, and has duty of
appraising the shogunal collection of meibutsu and tea utensils.
10.27 d. Koshin Sosa (Omotesenke IV) (54). His adopted son Zuiryusai
(son of Hisada Sori) succeeds as head of Omotesenke in 1673, at age 24,
by order of Kishu Tokugawa family.
d. Katagiri Sekishu (69). Rinzai priest Ikei Soetsu (1644-1714.
Daitokuji 253rd abbot; founder of Edo Shinagawa Tokaiji subtemple
Kogen'in), with Fujimura Sogen, transmits Sekishu's teachings. Ikei
establishes Ikei school of chado. b. Senso Soshitsu's first and only
son, Yosaburo (Fukyusai J6so; Urasenke V), in Kanazawa.
1674 d. painter Kano Tan'yu (73) (his paintings decorate the fusuma of Konnichian Kan'untei).
1675 12.19 d. Ichio Soshu (Mushakojisenke I). His son Bunshuku succeeds as Soshu II at age 18.
1678 b. Kakukakusai Genso (Omotesenke VI).
1680 Around this period, corrupt administration; great freedom in social mores. d. Kyoto potter Nonomura Ninsei.
Inflation; restriction of various goods. d. potter and man of many
artistic talents Hon'ami Kuchu (82), grandson of Koetsu.
Potter Ohi Chozaemon (Ohi I; 1630-1712) establishes Raku kiln at
Ohi-cho, Kanazawa, thus founding Ohi ware, and innovates the "candy
glaze" (ame-yu) characteristic of Ohi ware. Around this year, Matsuo
Basho (1644-94) pens his celebrated haiku about the frog and the old
1687 Shogun Tsunayoshi's laws prohibiting killing of animals.
1688 Prohibition of fine kimono.
1689 d. warrior-chajin Ichio lori (91), who learned chado from Hosokawa Sansai and founded the Ichio chado line in Edo.
1690 Nampo Roku
record of Rikyu's teachings, originally written by Rikyu's close
disciple Nanbo Sokei, is revised and expanded by Tachibana Jitsuzan
(1655-1708; official with the Chikuzen feudal lord Kuroda family). Senso
Soshitsu (Urasenke IV) gets temporary leave from Kanazawa to hold 100th
Rikyu Memorial (2.28) in Kyoto. He erects Rikyu altar hall in garden at
Konnichian on this occasion. Around this period, many books published about chado; Rikyu becomes immortalized.
1691 d. Zuiryusai Ryokyu (Omotesenke V).
Around this year, Senso Soshitsu (72) ends service with Kaga Maeda
family and returns to Kyoto; his son, Fukyusai (21), takes his place in
Kanazawa. b. Seiseisai Shinpaku (Mushakojisenke III).
b. son of Fukyusai (22), Seikichiro (Rikkansai Taiso; Urasenke VI).
Matsuo Basho completes his poetic diary Oku no hosomichi (The Narrow
Road to the Deep North); dies this same year at age 51.
1695 d. lacquer craftsman Nakamura Sotetsu (79), founder of the Sotetsu line belonging to the Senke Jusshoku.
1696 d. Raku Ichinyu (57).
d. Senso Soshitsu (Urasenke IV) (76). His son Fukyusai succeeds as
Urasenke V and adopts his father's name "Soshitsu" (setting the
precedent for the Urasenke family head to carry this name) at age 24.
Besides continuing his father's well-paying position with the Kaga Maeda
family, in 1703 he (through intro. of Kyoto doctor who is disciple of
Omotesenke VI Kakukakusai) also becomes chado minister for Lord
Hisamatsu Sadanao (1660-1720) of the lyo Matsuyama domain, who gives him
good stipend and 30 servants. (The Urasenke family continues positions
with Kaga Maeda and Iyo Matsuyama Hisamatsu houses until the Meiji
Potter and painter Ogata Kenzan (1663-1743) gets license to sell
pottery, and builds kiln at Narutaki in Kyoto. A book written this year
describes the great spread and demoralized atmosphere of sarei (tea
etiquette; chado). d. chajin Fujimura Yoken (87).
d. warrior-chajin Kuwayama Kasai (85), disciple of Katagiri Sekishu and
grandson of Sekishu's chado mentor, Kuwayama Sosen. Kasai, with Ikei
Soetsu, annotated the SekishO Sanbyaku-jo (300 points of Sekishu tea).
1702 3.20 Tachibana Jitsuzan visits Fukyusai at Konnichian; offers tea to Rikyu image in Rikyu-do.
d. hugely popular Edo kabuki actor and playwright Ichikawa Danjuro I
(1660-1704). 5.14 d. Fukyusai Joso (Urasenke V) (32); his eldest son,
Rikkansai, succeeds as Urasenke VI at age 11. Kakukakusai and Joshinsai
(Omotesenke VI & VII) care for Rikkansai and provide him with fine
1707 Mt. Fuji erupts. d. chajin Hisada Sozen (61).
1.22 d. Kyoyusai Bunshuku (Mushakojisenke II). His son Shinpaku
succeeds as Soshu III. d. chajin Yamada Sohen (82), founder of Sohen
chado line (based in Edo), whose tea mentor was Sen Sotan.
1709 b. Saisaisai Chikuso (Urasenke VII).
Relaxation of edicts against Western Learning. d. painter Ogata Korin
(59), older brother of Ogata Kenzan and founder of Rinpa painting
tradition. d. Raku Sonyu (53).
d. warrior-chajin Onishi Kansai (73), who headed tea matters for Settsu
Amagasaki clan lord and founded Sekishu Onishi chado line.
1719 b. Yugensai Itto (Urasenke VIII).
1724 d. Chikamatsu Monzaemon, often considered Japan's greatest dramatist, who was playwright for bunraku and also kabuki.
d. Ichigen (1662-1722) (61), illegitimate child of Raku Ichinyu, who
initiated Tamamizu ware (Raku side line) in southern Yamashiro.
1725 b. Jikisai Kenso (Mushakojisenke IV).
d. Rikkansai Taiso (Urasenke VI) (33) at Edo residence of Matsuyama
feudal lord, Matsudaira Hisamatsu; 2nd son of Omotesenke VI succeeds as
Urasenke VII, Chikuso (17).
d. Kusumi Soan (93), who was disciple of Sen Sotan, husband of Fujimura
Yoken's daughter, and author of Chawa Shigetsu shu (Tea Stories
Pointing to the Moon).
d. Kakukakusai Genso (Omotesenke VI). Joshinsai Tennen succeeds as
Omotesenke VII at age 26, becoming pillar of the Sen families.
1731 d. bamboo craftsman Kuroda Shogen IV, from whose generation the family became one of the Senke Jusshoku craft families.
d. Saisaisai Chikuso (Urasenke VII) (25). 3rd son of Omotesenke VI
becomes Urasenke VIII, Itto, at age 15. d. Edo merchant-chajin Okamura
Sohaku (62), founder of Sohen Jishuken chado line.
Around this year Kawakami Fuhaku (1716-1801) becomes disciple of
Joshinsai (Omotesenke VIII); becomes involved in his effort to
straighten up Senke chado, as by creating shichijishiki group exercises
and establishing an iemoto system. d. nobleman-calligrapher Konoe lehiro
(Yorakuin) (70).
Nagatani Soen (1681-1778) of Uji invents the method for processing the
tea leaves used for green steeped tea. About this period, Baisao
(1675-1763), regarded as the founder of senchado (Japanese Way of
Steeped Tea), begins popularizing this practice calling for revival of
the old poetic spirit of Tang.
1739 d. Raku Sanyu (57).
1743 d. potter & painter Ogata Kenzan (81). 1745 3.18 d. Seiseisai Shinpaku (Mushakojisenke III). His adopted son succeeds as Soshu IV, Jikisai (1725-82). d. Isa Kotaku (1684-1745), chief of the sukiya for Tokugawa sh6gunal family and founder of Sekishu Isa chado line.
Brothers Itto and Joshinsai (Urasenke VIII £t Omotesenke VII) complete
the formulation of the basic shichijishiki exercise, Kagetsu (originally
called Kacho, "Flower Et Bird"). They create shichijishiki to cope with
popularization of chanoyu and curb its growing tendency as an
amusement. Conventionalists criticize the shichijishiki as new-fangled.
Hitherto, wabi-cha of the Sen families was founded on small room (koma),
but the shichijishiki, requiring a large room (hiroma), opened
different horizons for the Sen families' chado. In this period, also,
Itto publishes temae guidebooks, so as to keep temae uniformity among
the bursting population of Senke chado followers. b. Fukensai Sekio
(Urasenke IX). Ceramist Kiyomizu Rokubei I (1738-99) begins work as
potter at Gojo-zaka, Kyoto, founding the Kiyomizu Rokubei line of
Kyoto-ware ceramics. d. joinery expert Komazawa Risai IV (1673-1746)
(71), the first in the family to be attached to the Sen families.
d. chajin and haiku master Horinouchi Senkaku (74), 1st gen. in the
Horinouchi tea family connected with Omotesenke. From his successor
Soshin's era, the Hisada and Horinouchi families become the liaisons for
everyone wishing to do nyumon with Omotesenke.
Joshinsai's disciple Kawakami Fuhaku moves to Edo, spreads hiroma-style
Senke chado among merchants and daimyo there, and founds Edosenke.
d. Joshinsai Ennen (Omotesenke VII). Sottakusai Ken'o (8) doesn't
succeed as Omotesenke VIII 'til 1578, when he turns 14. Uncle Itto
Soshitsu and Kawakami Fuhaku train him.
d. chajin Matsuo Soji (76), 1 st gen. in the Matsuo chado lineage
affiliated with Omotesenke. (Note: depending on the manner of reckoning,
he is the 6th gen. and Tsuji Gentaku, who learned chanoyu under Takeno
Joo, is the 1st.)
Yugensai (Urasenke VIII), as eldest of the three Sen family heads,
leads 100th Memorial for S6tan, holding approx, one hundred services and
b. Ittotsusai Kyuo (Mushakojisenke V). 1765 Ukiyo-e artist Suzuki
Harunobu (1725?-1770) succeeds in producing full-color woodcuts
(nishiki-e). 1768 Kawakami Fuhaku has shichijishiki presentation at
Rikyu-ki in Edo, setting precedent for the custom of shichijishiki at
Rikyu-ki and Sotan-ki. 1770 b. Nintokusai Hakuso (Urasenke X). d. Raku Chonyu (57).
1771 2.2 d. Yugensai Itto (Urasenke VIII); eldest son, Fukensai Sekio, succeeds as Soshitsu IX at age 25.
1774 d. Raku Tokunyu (30).
1775 b. Ryoryosai Koshuku (Omotesenke IX). 1776 d. Nanga painter Ikeno Taiga (1723-76) (54).
Beginning of great famine of Tenmei era (-87), during which several
hundred thousand people die. Growing antagonism towards shogunate. 2.6
d. Jikisai Kenso (Mushakojisenke IV) (58). His adopted son succeeds as
Soshu V, Ky66 (1763-1838).
1784 d. haiku poet Yosa Buson (1716-84).
1.1 great fire in Kyoto; burns 1424 neighborhood blocks. Nijo Castle
burns; 37,000 homes destroyed. Konnichian suffers damage. Okuda Eisen
(1753-1811), considered father of Kyoto porcelain production, leaves
family pawn shop to son and, at age 35, devotes himself to
ceramic-making. b. Kyukosai Shoo (Omotesenke X).
1790 Prohibition of foreign studies.
1795 d. Painter Maruyama Okyo (63). b. Kokosai Nin'o (Mushakojisenke VI), as 3rd son of Urasenke IX Fukensai.
9.26 d. Fukensai Sekio (Urasenke IX), who devoted great energy to
restoring the Konnichian estate after the 1788 great fire. His oldest
son, Nintokusai Hakuso (32), succeeds as Urasenke X.
d. ukiyo-e woodblock print artist Kitagawa Utamaro (54), famous for his
eloquent works expressing Japanese feminine beauty.
1807 d. Joshinsai Sosa's disciple Kawakami Fuhaku (89), founder of the Edosenke.
1808 d. Sottakusai Ken'o (Omotesenke VIII). Ryoryosai Koshuku succeeds as Omotesenke IX at age 34.
Ceramist Kiyomizu Rokube'e II (1790-1860), only 9 when his father died
(1799), re-starts the family pottery profession. d. ceramist Okuda Eisen
1818 d. daimyo-chajin Matsudaira Fumai (68).
1821 Completion of first Coastal Map of All Japan by Ino Tadataka.
Ukiyo-e artist Katsushika Hokusai produces the first of his "Thirty-Six
Views of Mount Fuji," virtually the first landscape prints.
d. Ryoryosai Koshuku (Omotesenke IX). Kyukosai succeeds as Omotesenke X
at age 8. d. ukiyo-e woodbtock print artist Utagawa Toyokuni (57),
famed for his power portraiture of kabuki actors.
1826 d. Nintokusai Hakuso (Urasenke X). His adopted son, Gengensai, succeeds as Urasenke XI at age 16.
Eiraku Hozen (name then, Nishimura Zen'ichiro), Kyukosai Sosa
(Omotesenke IX), and Raku Tannyu do private ceramic production for Kishu
Tokugawa lord. d. haiku poet Kobayashi Issa (1763-1827) (65).
b. Ishinsai Zendo (Mushakojisenke VII). d. potter Takugen Yasuke
(1747-1830), who was patronized by Sottakusai and Ryoryosai of
Omotesenke and founded Kyuraku ware ceramics.
1831 d. haiku poet Ryokan (74). 1833 d. ceramist and painter Aoki Mokubei (1767-1833) (67).
1834 d. Raku Ryonyu (79).
1.22 d. Kokosai Nin'o (Mushakojisenke VI) (41). Younger brother of
Omotesenke X (Kyukosai Sosa), who was also a son of the 7th gen. in the
Hisada family, succeeds as Soshu VII, Ishinsai (1830-91).
1837 b. Rokurokusai Zuio (Omotesenke XI).
Ceramist Kiyomizu Rokube'e II retires; his 2nd son succeeds as Rokube'e
III (1820-83). 4.16 d. Ittotsusai Kyuo (Mushakojisenke V) (76).
Gengensai (Urasenke XI) (30) expands house (Konnichian complex) and
repairs Rikyu altar hall for Rikyu 250th memorial. As the oldest of the
Sen family heads, leads the memorial events. From 9.8.1840 to 2.28.1841,
holds 79 chakai, having approx. 400 guests, including nobles and daimyo
family members.
6.13-12.19 Gengensai (31) goes to Edo to teach tea to Owari Tokugawa
family lord, Naritaka (1810-45). d. clay brazier maker Nishimura Zengoro
(Eiraku Ryozen; 71), who learned pottery techniques from Raku Ryonyu
and was first in the family to produce ceramics. d. painter Watanabe
Kazan (49).
1849 d. ukiyo-e woodblock print artist Katsushika Hokusai (90).
1852 b. Yumyosai Jikiso (Urasenke XII).
1853 Commodore Matthew Perry arrives with Black Ships off Uraga. Russian Admiral Putyatin arrives in Nagasaki.
Treaties of Amity and Commerce concluded with America, England, and
Russia. Mushakojisenke estate destroyed by fire. d. Raku X, Tannyu (60).
d. ceramist Eiraku Hozen (60).
Treaties of Amity and Commerce with France and Holland. Rokurokusai
Zuio (1837-1910) succeeds as Omotesenke XI. d. ceramist Nin'ami Dohachi
Townsend Harris comes to Shimoda as consul-general of United States. d.
Ohi Chozaemon V (76) and VI (42). d. painter Yamamoto Baiitsu (74).
1858 Suppression of "revere the emperor, expel the barbarian" movement. d. ukiyo-e woodblock print artist Ando Hiroshige (62).
Kanagawa, Nagasaki, and Hakodate opened to foreign trade with Russia,
France, Britain, Holland, and America. Reintroduction of Christianity.
12.20, Gengensai revives practice of giving koicha and chashaku to
imperial family twice a year (year beginning and hassaku time) (kencha).
Ii Naosuke (46) assassinated. d. Kyukosai Shoo (Omotesenke X).
1861 d. ukiyo-e woodblock print artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi (65).
8th month of this year, Hamaguri Gomon Incident. The battle ignites
fire that destroys nearly 30,000 buildings in Kyoto. Fukuzawa Yukichi
founds Keio Gijuku (modern Keio University).
1865 b. Seisai Keio (Omotesenke XII).
1.19 Gengensai revives Wakin-date temae to commemorate his revival of
kencha (tea offering) practice to imperial family. Ceramist and clay brazier
maker Nishimura Zengoro (who changes family name to Eiraku in Meiji 1,
1868, to become Eiraku Wazen) goes to Kaga by invite of feudal lord, and
improves Kutani-yaki techniques there.
Imperial rule replaces shogunate. Armed conflict between shogunate
troops and loyalists. Feudalism abolished. Financier and chajin Konoike
Rosui (Konoike X) is first to use "company" (koisho) structure in Japan;
in 1878, founds Konoike Bank.
Meiji Restoration.
Capital moves from Kyoto to Edo, renamed Tokyo (Eastern Capital). Tea families lose their income from the old daimyo families.
Capital moves from Kyoto to Edo, renamed Tokyo (Eastern Capital). Tea families lose their income from the old daimyo families.
Opening of telegraph service between Tokyo and Yokohama. d. Senke
Jusshoku kettlesmith Onishi XII (Joten; 29), whose wife was daughter of
Raku Keinyu. Wife and son Onishi XIII (Jocho), still 3 years old, go
live with Raku family.
1870 Commoners allowed to take surnames.
Abolition of clans and establishment of prefectures. Unified currency,
based on yen, established. Proclamation of law of census registration.
Woodblock printing gives way to mechanical printing from about this
year. 1875, Western paper
manufacturing company established, to meet increasing demand for
printing paper. Gengensai (62) declares resignation, however continues
as before to travel the country to teach chado; Yumyosai (20) succeeds
as Urasenke XII.
Establishment of new educational system. Lunar calendar replaced by
solar calendar. Tokyo National Museum opened. Gengensai (Urasenke XI),
representing the chado world, submits petition to Meiji government to
recognize chado as not a recreational amusement but a serious spiritual
pursuit. Kyoto sponsors 1st domestic Expo; first public debut of ryurei
chanoyu, designed by Gengensai, occurs at this event. Opening of railway
between Shinbashi (Tokyo) and Yokohama. b. Ennosai TetchO (Urasenke
1873 Abolition of prohibition of Christianity.
Protestant Aoyama Gakuin and St. Paul's School (now Rikkyo University)
founded in Tokyo; the next year, Protestant Doshisha English School (now
Doshshisha University) founded in Kyoto.
1877 Establishment of Tokyo University. d. Gengensai Seichu (Urasenke XI).
American educator Ernest Francisco Fenollosa (1853-1908) comes to Japan
to teach philosophy at Tokyo University (1878-86). 1886-90, works on
contract for Ministry of Education and imperial household, and is
instrumental in founding Tokyo School of Fine Arts (1889).
Kitano Shrine Kencha Festival Preservation Association jointly
organized by seven chado head families (Omotesenke, Urasenke,
Mushakojisenke, Yabunouchi, Hisada, Horinouchi, Hayami).
Yumyosai (34) has his son, Ennosai (14), become family head (Urasenke
XIII), and he himself goes into retirement, changing residence here and
there. Severe agrarian distress; relief sought in signing of treaty
between Hawaiian gov. for officially supervised emigration to Hawaii.
d. Iki San'ensai (1818-86), elder of the Bizen Province clan and
follower of Gengensai. He had built a Rikyu hall, Kan'untei copy,
dairo-no-ma copy, and such at his villa, and established Mushiake-yaki
ceramics there.
Grand chakai at Kitano Shrine commemorating 300th anniv. of Hideyoshi's
Grand Kitano Tea. Electric power introduced to Japan.
Promulgation of Meiji Constitution. Ennosai (18) succeeds as Soshitsu
XIII. 10.8 b. Yukosai Chosho (Mushakojisenke IX), as 3rd son of
Omotesenke X Kyukosai.
1890 Exhibition of ukiyo-e held in Paris.
1891 300th memorial for Sen Rikyu. d. Ishinsai Zendo (Mushakojisenke VII).
1893 Seisai Keio (1863-1937) succeeds as Omotesenke XII. b. Mugerisai Sekiso (Urasenke XIV, Tantansai).
1894 Outbreak of Sino-Japanese War. d. painter Takahashi Yuichi (67).
Nara National Museum opens. Businessman-sukisha Masuda Don'o holds his
first Daishikai tea and art gathering at his estate in Shinagawa, Tokyo.
1896 d. Kyoto ceramist Eiraku Wazen (74). d. Ohi Chozaemon VII (61).
1897 Government promulgates Preservation of Ancient Shrines and Temples Law. Kyoto National Museum opens.
12.12 d. Issshisai Isso (Mushakojisenke VIII) (51). Adopted son and
heir (3rd son of Omotesenke X), still 9 years old, is raised by
1900 Nihon Women's University of Arts founded.
1901 b. Sokuchusai Mujin (Omotesenke XIII).
1902 d. Raku Keinyu (86).
Yumyosai and Ennosai co-author the Chado Hama no Masago thirty-three
item manual on the handling of tea utensils. Chanoyu artworks of
business- man-sukisha Hirase Roko (1839-1908) put up for bidding in
Sakai, consequently establishing the market value of tea implements.
1904 Russo-Japanese War begins (-1905, Japanese victory). -
1905 Convention making Korea a Japanese protectorate.
1906 Art critic Okakura Tenshin (1862-1913) publishes The Book of Tea in English. Omotesenke burns down.
Ennosai (35) holds grand 250th memorial chakai for Sotan; initiates the
first-ever magazine about chado, the monthly "Konnichian Geppo"
(present "Tanko" magazine), and the summer lecture course, as
commemorative projects.
Imperial rescript on frugality and social harmony (Boshin shosho).
Yumyosai publishes Konarai-goto 16kajo denki (Transmission of the 16
Konarai). d. American educator Earnest Francisco Fenollosa (1853-1908).
Ennosai (Urasenke XIII) creates San'yu-no-shiki, to be added to the
shichijishiki group chanoyu exercises. d. Rokurokusai Zuio (Omotesenke
Ennosai invents bonryaku temae, for use in tea education in schools.
Through his career, he invents/revives various temae (furo nagashidate;
individual koicha, arai-jakin, ro and furo uguisu-date, uguisu musubi,
Ochabako, and, in 1923, daien bon). d. Emperor Meiji (61).
1913 b. Urinsai Tokuo (Mushakojisenke X). Founding of Catholic Sophia University in Tokyo.
1914 Entry into World War I(-1918). Around this period, chanoyu incorporated into the etiquette classes at girls' high schools.
Mugensai (then Tenkusai) officially recognized as wakasosho ("the young
master"; i.e., the next iemoto apparent) of Urasenke at Sei-Chu
Memorial held 6.13.
1916 Mugensai builds Baishian on north of the Konnichian complex and moves there. The Urasenke Koyukai association is formed.
1917 d. Yumyosai Jikiso (Urasenke XII).
1920 Potter Kawai Kanjiro (1890-1966) opens kiln at Gojo-zaka, Kyoto; 1921, holds his first pottery exhibition.
Sukisha Takahashi Soan (1861-1937) begins publishing his illustrated
Taisho Meikikan multi-volume catalog of famous utensils.
1923 4.23 b. Hounsai Genshitsu (Urasenke XV). 9.01 Great Kanto Earthquake (more than 100,000 deaths).
8.5 d. Ennosai Tetchu (Urasenke XIII) on opening day of 13th Summer
Intensive Seminar (kaki koshukai). d. painter Tomioka Tessai (89).
Yanagi Soetsu (Muneyoshi; 1889-1961) et al coin term "mingei" and begin
Japanese folk craft movement. d. joinery maker Iwaki Yuken I(18751926)
(52), who made Yoshino-dana, Enpi-dana, etc. designed by Ennosai, and
other utensil shelves etc. designed by Tantansai.
1927 d. Ohi VIII (Chozaemon; 77).
1929 Government promulgates Preservation of National Treasures Law. Beginning of financial panic.
1931 Japanese conquest of Manchuria; Manchuria becomes satellite state of Japan, lasting 'til end of WWII.
1932 d. Raku Konyu (76). d. Eiraku Zengoro XV; eldest son succeeds as Zengoro XVI the next year, at age 16.
1933 Kyoto City Art Museum opens.
1934 Mushakojisenke magazine inaugurated.
1935 Tokugawa Art Museum opens.
Outbreak of Sino-Japanese War (-1945). Law of the Order of Cultural
Merits (Bunka Kunsho) promulgated. Showa Kitano Dai Chanoyu held (Showa
Era Grand Chanoyu at Kitano). d. Seisai Keio (Omotesenke XII).
1938 Kyoto National Museum of Modern Art opens. b. Jimyosai Sosa (Omotesenke XIV).
1939 Outbreak of World War II (-1945).
Tantansai (Urasenke XIV) forms Tankokai association to unify Urasenke
followers. The three Sen families jointly hold commemorative tea
offering ceremony at Daitokuji for 350th Rikyu Memorial. Nezu Museum of
Art opens (Tokyo).
1941 Pearl Harbor attack and beginning of Pacific War.
Sotchusai Sosa, Hisada Mutekisai, Horinouchi Fusensai and others
together establish Senke Domonkai association for Omotesenke chado
1944 Kuwata Tadachika's study on Sen Rikyu published. d. Raku Seinyu (58).
1945 8.6 Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, killing 200 thousand people and destroying 90% of city. (Mushakojisenke XI).
1946 1.1 Emperor Hirohito (Showa) renunciates divinity. 1st Japan Art Exhibition sponsored by Ministry of Education.
1948 Kurashiki Folk Art Museum opens (Okayama).
Kondo hall of Horyuji temple burns down (due to inadequate safety
measures) (Nara). Yukawa Hideki awarded Nobel Prize for physics.
Tantansai has Konnichian registered as non-profit foundation. Also
establishes the International Chado Culture Foundation as well as
Tankosha Publishing Company.
Promulgation of Law for the Protection of Cultural Assets. Korean War
breaks out. 2.2 200th Memorial for Itt6 (Urasenke VIII) at Daitokuji.
Kinkaku pavilion of Rokuonji burnt down by a youth protesting
degradation and commercialization of Buddhism. Hounsai goes abroad on
his first chado mission.
San Francisco Peace Treaty; Japan-U.S. mutual security treaty. d.
chajin and businessman (president of Hakutsuru sake brewery) Kano Kakuo
Jihei (90), founder of Hakutsuru Museum.
1953 Television broadcasting begins. 7.21 d. Yukosai Chosho (Mushakojisenke IX) (65).
Government act to designate Bearers of Important Intangible Cultural
Assets (Living National Treasures). Fujita Art Museum opens. Potter
Hamada Shoji of Japanese mingei movement gets designation 1955.
1956 b. Zabosai Soshitsu (Urasenke XVI).
Mugensai (Urasenke XIV) becomes first chado figure ever to receive the
Medal of Honor with Purple Ribbon. d. entrepreneur, politician, and
sukisha Kobayashi Itsuo (1873-1957) (85), founder of the Hankyu train
and dept. store conglomerate and Takarazuka theater, whose villa is
opened to the public after his death, as the Itsuo Art Museum. Urasenke
Tokyo Branch building completed.
1959 March, Crown Prince Akihito marries and breaks tradition for crown prince to marry from among ranks of imperial family
or former peerage. d. potter and cuisine artist Kitaoji Rosanjin (77).
d. Nihonga painter Yokoyama Taikan (91). d. entrepreneur, politician,
and sukisha Goto Keita (1882-1959) (78), president of the Dai-Tokyo
Kyuko conglomerate. The Goto Art Museum opened in Tokyo 1960 preserves
his fine collection of antiques.
1960 Hatakeyama Memorial Hall opens.
1962 Urasenke Chado Kenshujo (Urasenke Tea Study Center; present Urasenke Gakuen Professional College of Chado) founded.
Olympic Games held in Tokyo. Tekisui Art Museum opens. Urasenke builds
tea house and does tea demonstrations at New York World's Fair Japan
Pavilion. With sudden death of Urasenke XIV, Tantansai, Hounsai becomes
Urasenke XV.
1966 d. Potter Kawai Kanjiro (77). Exhibition of Lord Matsudaira Fumai's beloved treasures, at Shimane Prefectural Museum.
1968 Kawabata Yasunari awarded Nobel Prize for Literature.
Government-authorized professional college of chado established by
Urasenke (Urasenke Gakuen Chado Senmon Gakk6). Normalization of
diplomatic relations between Japan and People's Republic of China.
1977 Kitamura Museum opens (Kyoto). Kanbayashi Research Center opens (Uji).
Raku Museum opens (Kyoto). World's first university credit course on
the history of the Way of Tea established by Urasenke at the University
of Hawaii.
Chado Research Center (Urasenke Center) built (Kyoto). Exhibition
"Chanoyu: Japanese Tea Ceremony" travels around U.S.A. as part of "Japan
Today" project. First Friendship & Cultural Exchange Urasenke Youth
Ship mission to China. d. Sokuchusai Mujin (Omotesenke XIII).
1984 Nomura Museum opens (Kyoto).
1.7 Akihito succeeds to throne after death of his father, Emperor
1994 With Hounsai (Urasenke XV) as leader, the three Sen families hold Rikyu 400th Memorial service and commemorative chakai at Daitokuji. Commemorative Sen Rikyu exhibition at Kyoto National Museum. Tianjin University of Commerce Urasenke Junior College of the Way of Tea founded (China).
1997 Hounsai becomes first chajin to receive Imperial Order of Culture. 1998 d. Eiraku Zengoro XVI; eldest son (b.1944) succeeds as Zengoro XVII.
1999 d. Urinsai Tokuo (Mushakojisenke X). 2002 12.22 Hounsai retires from iemoto position; Zabosai succeeds as Soshitsu XVI.
2003 Zabosai gives Prime Minister Koizumi Jun'ichiro a tea name.
#Cerimoniadocha #Urasenke #Mushakojisenke #Omotesenke #Uedasoko #Sennorikkyu #Sensotan
#Cerimoniadocha #Urasenke #Mushakojisenke #Omotesenke #Uedasoko #Sennorikkyu #Sensotan
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