
Cerimonia do Cha - Chado Relay 2020

Message from Iemoto Zabosai SEN Soshitsu I express my hearty joy that a relay chado event is taking place in North America.  Currently, due to the spread of the novel coronavirus, people worldwide are facing psychological and financial hardships. Within this, your posture in exploring what you yourselves can do, and your positive perspective in trying out new initiatives is encouraging for me.  I am informed that the idea for the relay chado event was inspired by the pre-event for the Tankokai Seinenbu’s national conference in Japan. I believe that by NOT thinking that Japan is Japan and drawing a line between Japan and the world beyond its shores, and by recognizing their respective advantages and inspiring each other, they will mutually grow and an even better synergistic effect can be created.  I hope that, through this relay chado event, your bonds will deepen and, by activating those bonds, the chanoyu network in North America will expand even further.  Let me close this brief message by expressing my prayers for the health and heartiness of all Tankokai association members in North America, and the ever-increasing activities of your Tankokai associations. 坐忘斎 千 宗室 家元 様よりのメッセージ  北米において茶道リレーが実施されますことを心よりお慶び申し上げます。  今回の新型コロナウィルスの感染拡大により、世界中の人々が精神的にも経済的にも苦境に立たされている今、自分たちにできることを模索し、前向きな気持ちで新たな取り組みに挑戦される皆さまの姿を心強く感じる次第です。  この度の取り組みは、日本の青年部全国大会のプレ行事に刺激を受けて始めることにされたと聞きました。日本は日本、海外は海外と線引きをするのではなく、互いの良いところを認め合い、刺激し合うことで共に成長し、より良い相乗効果を生み出すことができるのだと存じます。  茶道リレーを通じて皆さまの絆が一層深まるとともに、その活躍により北米における茶の湯のネットワークがさらに広がっていくことを願っております。  結びに、北米各協会の益々のご発展と会員の皆さまのご健勝を祈念いたします。 ---------------------------------------------- Message from Daisosho Hounsai SEN Genshitsu The North America Chado Relay being held as a new means to deepen the ties between Tankokai associations and members is an event for celebration.  What with the various restraints that we are undergoing due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, and the anxieties and difficulties that everyone is experiencing, the fact that all the Tankokai associations in North America are cooperating to hold a shared project is deeply significant, and makes me happy. Within these circumstances today, I urge each association to be innovative in their activities, with uncomplicated and infection-safe methods of sharing a bowl of tea between a host and a single guest or, at maximum, five guests.  I began my international exchange activities by means of chado in Hawaii, following World War II. Under my ideal of “Peacefulness through a bowl of tea,” I have bonded with others and connected those bonds step by step. The bonds that I could form over the seventy years since then have stayed alive, and it is encouraging for me to see the posture of all of you over the entire North America region, who recognize the importance of the ties which you hence share, and are joining hands and cooperating with each other.  Please never forget the spirit that “We are all together,” and your attitude of “Let’s do it!” I anticipate that the relay chado event will enjoy great success.  Lastly, I pray for your good health, and for your continuing devotion to the Way of Tea. 鵬雲斎 千 玄室 大宗匠 様よりのメッセージ  協会間、会員間の絆を深めるべく、新たに北米茶道リレーを実施されるとのこと、心よりお慶び申します。  新型コロナウィルス感染症禍による様々な自粛に誰もが戸惑い苦しむなか、北米の全協会で協力し合い、一つのプロジェクトに取り組まれることは大変意義深いことと嬉しく思います。此の際、茶の湯の働きとしていろいろ工夫し、簡単に且清潔に一盌の茶を一亭一客や五客迄での一会を各会なりにやって試みてください。  私が茶の湯を通じての国際交流活動を始めたのは第二次世界大戦後のハワイでした。「一盌からピースフルネスを」の理念を掲げてご縁を紡ぎ、一歩ずつ進めてきたのです。それから70年、世界中を行脚して得たご縁がいまに続き、北米各地におられる皆さん方がその繋がりを大切に感じ、手を取り合って努力される姿に勇気づけられる思いです。  どうかWe are all togetherという気持ちを常に持ち、「やるぞ」という気構えで励み続けてください。この会の盛会を期待しています。  最後に、皆さん方の健康と精進を祈念しております。                            合掌

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